Paragraphs Collections

A paragraph is a group of sentences, and thus forms an integral part of the whole composition. No definite rule can be laid down about the length of paragraphs. Whether a paragraph will be long or short depends on the nature of the topic, and what the writer wants to say about it. A paragraph may consist of one sentence only, or of twenty or thirty sentences, according to requirements. The modern practice is to make the paragraph short, but not too short, and we advise you to follow the principles of unity and coherence.

Paragraphs Topics

  1. Educational & Students Related
  2. Social Issues & Awareness
  3. Science & Technology Paragraphs
  4. Autobiographical Paragraphs
  5. Moral, Quotational & Ethical
  6. Occasions & Events Paragraphs
  7. Environmental Issues
  8. Religious & Festivals Paragraphs
  9. Paragraphs about Islam
  10. Paragraphs about Pakistan
  11. Personals & Experiences
  12. Journeys & Travel Paragraphs
  13. Paragraphs on Pets & Animals
  14. Games & Sports Paragraphs
  15. Economic Paragraphs
  16. History Paragraphs
  17. About World & Political Issues
  18. About Health & Fitness
  19. Relationships
  20. Narrative & Descriptive
  21. Miscellaneous

Words make up a sentence; sentences make up a paragraph; and just as a sentence cannot be called a good sentence if it does not contain one main thought so also a paragraph cannot be called a good paragraph unless it is so constructed as to deal with one and only one main topic or theme. This is what is meant by the unity of a paragraph. Every sentence in the paragraph must be closely connected with the one topic of the paragraph. No incongruous or unrelated elements should be introduced. The distinctive merit of the short paragraph is its clearness. There is no room for irrelevance and digression, and its meaning can be quickly grasped. On the other hand, if very short paragraphs are used, they produce a jerky and disconnected effect. Very long paragraphs, however, make heavy reading and put a strain on the reader.

So it is best to make paragraphs of moderate but varied length. The point is that they must not be arbitrarily made. The beginning of each paragraph should be a further step in the progress of the main theme.

1: Educational & Students Related Paragraphs

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2: Social Issues & Awareness Paragraphs

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3: Science & Technology Paragraphs

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4: Autobiographical Paragraphs

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5: Moral, Quotational & Ethical Paragraphs

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6: Occasions & Events Paragraphs

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7: Environmental Issues & Awareness Paragraphs

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8: Religious & Festivals Paragraphs

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9: Paragraphs about Islam

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10: Paragraphs about Pakistan

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11: Personals & Experiences Paragraphs

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12: Journeys & Travel Paragraphs

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13: Paragraphs on Pets & Animals

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14: Games & Sports Paragraphs

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15: Economic Paragraphs

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16: History Paragraphs

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17: Paragraphs about World & Political Issues

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18: Paragraphs about Health & Fitness

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19: Relationships Paragraphs

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20: Narrative & Descriptive Paragraphs

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21: Miscellaneous Paragraphs

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A Good Paragraph

Paragraph writing is most delicate art; it looks so extremely easy, and is really so difficult. This is the reason that there are really not many good Paragraphs, more so by the college students. A good Paragraph is the best substitute for a good talk. Real Paragraph has always the flavour of good talk. The writer is preoccupied with human and spiritual values raised by social questions. This necessarily makes the talk more analytical and searching. Again a good Paragraph is always personal for it is chiefly concerned with the writer’s experience and point of view. It is true that Paragraph is to prose, what lyric is to poetry. It is intensely personal. Mugged up topics are not Paragraphs at all. A good Paragraph always expresses the thoughts of the writer. It always implies and expresses an idea.

Another quality of good Paragraph is briefness. Brevity is soul of wit. A real Paragraph is always relevant and to the point. It has little scope or digression. Moreover, like a good talk, it should be interesting, pleasing and humorous. Lastly, correct expression is the hallmark of a good Paragraph. It demands good command both on language and language disciplines. Unfortunately, college students pay very little attention to the language aspect of composition.

The good Paragraph forces the reader to think things through, to find meaning, to try to understand the universe and the surroundings and his own self. It puts the experience in the proper place, reveals values, worths and truths that the reader has not suspected before. The Paragraph thus, as form of composition, is peculiarly fitted to the needs and abilities of college undergraduates.

The Paragraph is a contemplative and not a controversial form of writing. It demands a certain detachment from forum and arena; an observation of life from the point of view of a spectator rather than too active participant. The art of composition can be studied and practiced under two major heads:

  1. Matter or contents
  2. Form or expression

Both are equally important and reinforce each other. The two stand for the quantitative and qualitative aspects of composition, and are the essentials of a good Paragraph. [the_ad id=”17141″]

1: Matter (Contents)

The students draw. for matter from their reading, the main source of information and ideas. The greater is the range of reading, the wider is the source of matter. Another source of fertilization of ideas are public media press, T.V. and Radio. The matter or contents must have three attributes:

  • Relevancy (to the point)
  • full or exhaustive and
  • coherent.

2: Expression

The students must be able to express their ideas or viewpoints in the clear and correct language. In fact, the expression is the dress of thoughts. They may have ideas but they can not clad them. There are two modes of expression oral (tongue) and written (pen). Students are judged on the score of writing in their examinations. Most of them pay scant attention to writing, the most difficult step in the process of learning. They cannot communicate confidently and correctly. Moreover, they lack in creativeness. Correct form imparts crystallization to the matter.

Correct expression includes the structure of sentences, syntax, grammatical disciplines, spellings and punctuation (mechanics of language) and paragraph. Good expression means

  • correctness or accuracy
  • grammatic
  • Idiomatic

Every language has its disciplines and idiom: The touchstone of quality. The correct idiom is part of good style.


Much has been said and written about style. What is style? Style is the sense of oneself, the knowledge of what one has to say, and saying of it in the most appropriate words. It is the way of expression peculiar to the writer. The most important attributes of good style are:

  • clarity
  • individuality
  • sincerity
  • directress
  • simplicity

Matter, form and style give sense of unity to writing. Communication of ideas in form of composition can be cultivated by the college students through constant practice in writing. Communication is a unified process of thinking, reading, speaking, listening and writing. These also produce confidence and command. Thus, paragraph – writing can be made a fascinating occupation.

Kinds of Paragraph

English very rich in Paragraphs. Some of the great Paragraphists are Lord Bacon, Dr. Johnson, Joseph Addison, Charles Lamb, R.L. Stevenson, G.K. Chesterton, A.G. Gardener, Robert Lynd, C.E. Montegue and G.B. Priestly. Students are advised to read essays of Dr. Johnson, Joseph Addiso), Charles Lamb, R.L. Stevenson and Chesterson for good models.

Literary Paragraphs have been divided into two major groups

  • The Thought Paragraphs
  • The Feeling Paragraphs

From academic point of view Paragraphs can be divided into three categories according to their subject matter namely

  • Descriptive Paragraphs
  • Narrative Paragraphs
  • Reflective Paragraphs

They have been discussed in brief in the following paragraphs. College students must concentrate on them, their contents and forms. The Paragraph can be treated under three heads:

  • Introduction
  • Exposition
  • Conclusion

1: Descriptive Paragraphs

It is comparatively easier to write descriptive Paragraphs. The writer is called upon the describe, to trace out or to give an account of some place, person, institution, activity or scenes of different phases of nature. The topic is described as it is, or as it appears. It allows least digressions. Descriptive Paragraphs are generally written in present tense. [the_ad id=”17142″]

2: Narrative Paragraphs

To Narrate means to tell a series of events, to give a running Commentary or to relate some events. Narrative Paragraphs give greater freedom to the writer. He can make it interesting, attractive and humorous by introducing variety and change. It gives greater opportunity to display the flourishes of language. The writer is aided by his power of observation, retentiveness and memory. Narrative Paragraphs are written in the past tense as the writer recounts what. he/she has seen and observed. He can plung into the past.

Narrative Paragraphs give greater freedom to the writer. He can make it interesting, attractive and humourous by introducing variety and change. It gives greater opportunity to display the flourishes of language. The writer is aided by his power of observation, retentiveness and memory. Narrative Paragraphs are written in past tense as the writer recounts what. he/she has seen and observed. He can plung into the past.

3: Reflective Paragraphs

To Reflect means to think seriously. They call for greater display of imagination. The writer can soar on the wings of imagination. He can ruminate on the past; live in the present and plunge into the future. The quality of Paragraph depends on the imaginative flight of the writer. Such compositions are generally serious and thought to provoke. They afford greater freedom of expression to the writer. He can pass on his judgment, express his point of view and evaluate the topic. Such compositions call for serious thinking, meditation and greater command on language.

It is rather difficult to draw a line of demarcation among the various types of Paragraphs. An original and good writer can treat a topic from various aspects and angles. Beginners really find it hard to express their ideas or views; but a seasoned and well-versed person can handle a given topic in different ways. The saying: the more you do, the more you can do, must be kept in sight by the college students.

How to Write An Paragraph

1: The right choice of Topics.

The first step is choice of the topic. The topic may be i) Descriptive ii) Narrative iii) Reflective. If your range of study is wide and varied, you can freely express yourself on a given topic. Make a right choice. Draw on your own fund of ideas. The Paragraph or the composition should be your own. Mugged up topics are not Paragraphs in true sense. A real Paragraph is always personal attempt

2: Planning

The next step is planning of the subject matter or the topic chosen. Think well what you have to say; or what you can say. The ideas should be relevant. Remember what has been said about the contents. Then make a brief out-line or dot down the points. Develop them in the body of the Paragraph. The exposition is the major part of the Paragraph. It is always advisable to devote a separate paragraph to each point. It imparts. unity and coherence to the matter.

3: Execution

Then comes the main task writing of the composition, Try to stick to the plan. Proceed point by point, Enlarge and elaborate the points paragraph wise. While writing pay serious attention to the grammatical disciplines, ‘syntax, sentence structure, tenses, use of words, spellings and punctuation. Remember, ‘your expression is you’. A badly written and careless piece of composition always writes down the writer.

4: Revision

The last and an important step is revision of the matter. Errors always slip in, and acts of omission and commission are common flaws with the students. Even the seasoned writers commit mistakes. Improve the draft and eliminate the errors and spelling mistakes.. It is a wise saying: The more you do, the more you can do: Cultivate the habit. Confidence comes only after constant practice.

The most important sentences of a paragraph are the first and the last, as the most emphatic positions in a sentence are the beginning and the end. Therefore, generally, the first sentence of a paragraph is the topical sentence, but sometimes it is the last. The thought in a paragraph, to be coherent, should be connected and developed in a logical order. That is to say, the paragraph should be so constructed that one sentence leads on naturally to the next, and the mutual relation of all the sentences in the paragraph should be clearly seen. If the sentences, which should naturally come together, are separated, the result is incoherence and shows the confusion of thought.

The order of sentences will vary according to the topic discussed. It may be the order of time in a relation of events or the order of cause and effect; again, a general proposition may be followed by illustrations and proofs, or a number of statements may load up to a conclusion. The proper distribution of emphasis, on which the balance of the paragraph depends, is closely connected with the logical development of thought. What is still more important is that the space devoted to each sentence should be in proportion to the importance of the idea it expresses. Care should also be taken to emphasize the main idea, by placing it either at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph, preferably the beginning, for there it occupies a prominent position, and can be readily developed throughout the remainder of the paragraph. But sometimes, where a series of sentences is designed to lead up gradually to a climax, a more telling effect is gained by placing it at the end.

The language of these Paragraphs is very simple and easy to understand. There are different types of Paragraphs topics for the nursery,  kg classes, primary, middle, secondary, high, inter and bachelor and school-level examinations. For the students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th classes, we have short Paragraphs and for 6th, 7th, 8th-grade students we have comprehensive Paragraphs. Further informative and argumentative paragraphs topics are present here for 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th students. College students can also get persuasive, narrative and interesting ideas for preparations of their exams. Moreover, Higher Secondary, Intermediate, and O’ level (FSc. F.A and ICS) generally known as the first and second-year also avail the best, excellent and unique Paragraphs for students who want a real and helpful content for their research and work.

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One thought on “Paragraphs Collections

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