Essay on My Last Day at College for Students

By | January 4, 2019
Essay on My Last Day at College

Essay on My Last Day at College

My Last Day at College Essay with Quotations

Tears from the depth of some divine despair.
Rise in the heart and gather to eyes.
In looking on the happy autumn fields.
And thinking of the days that are no more.

In the storehouse of my memories, my last day at college occupies a prominent position. I can never forget that day when I left college and entered professional life. My college was the place where I spent golden years of my life. Those happy days, noisy laughter and careless wandering still haunt my memory. My last day at college is still fresh in my memory.

The principal was addressing a big audience. Some attentive students were listening to and clapping whenever the speaker made such a point. Some naughty ones were whispering and passing funny remarks over the speech. This is a typical lege student character. The farewell function on my last day at college was in full swing.

Earlier, some students staged a variety show which included comic skits, dance and music performance. All the performers had shown great artistic skill in each performance. They showed that education does not mean cramming of books only. It includes polishing one’s talent and enabling one to be a useful citizen.

No sooner had the principal concluded his speech than the students rushed to the dining hall. A delicious meal was waiting for us. Some of us pounced upon the dishes whereas others showed good control. I was hearing the noise of plates, spoons and glasses etc. When the lunch was over, a new announcement was made which surprised us. A function on the last day is very typical – a variety show, principal’s address and a lunch. But this was more than that which made it memorable and quite unique. It was a career guidance session.

Our college won over other colleges by holding such a session. The objective was to: familiarize students with the next possible options of learning and to find a path for the future. I can say that it was a great blessing for us. The announcement made us excited.

The senior professors sat in a row on the stage and spoke on engineering, medical, commerce, arts and business administration etc. No doubt we knew about them but our information was very superficial. Besides, many of us had various misconceptions also. The worthy professors invited questions from the audience. Each student wanted to ask questions which was not possible because of the shortage of time. However, they collected some sample questions and answered them thoroughly.[the_ad id=”17142″]

They had obtained prospectuses from various engineering institutions, medical colleges, universities and commerce institutes. It was a great effort. We could go through a prospectus of our choice and gather a fair idea about the scheme of studies and the institution itself. After spending a good long time in that session, we returned home. I could call it a day.

In conclusion, the function proved to be a stepping stone for us. We had come with a notion of eating and enjoying only. But our college administration had turned it into a unique. purpose-oriented to be one. To guide and lead someone in the right direction is a great virtue, and our college had just done the same. That last day at college had become the first day for another institution for us. My last day at college made me realize that

There are more men ennobled by study than by nature.


My Last Day at College Essay (450 Words)

The last days of one’s long stay anywhere are usually as sad as memorable. The place one loves to stay in cannot be left for good (forever) without thoughts that bring tears to the eyes and grief to the hearts.

I got up on my last college thinking that I should go to college.early and stay there late to finally say farewell to the mother of knowledge, that is, my college. When I reached there on the sunny April morning, the flowers were smiling and the trees were welcoming me by stretching out their branches far into the air.[the_ad id=”17150″]

The classes on the last day following the English class were full of interest and fun. There was teaching, but there were jokes and discussions too leading to some hearty promises between teachers and students not to forget each other. After the classes, some of us decided to go round the most favorite spots on the campus.

We reached the cafeteria, the usual centre of refreshments, jokes, gossips and petty quarrels. Mir. Sahib sitting at the counter welcomed us feeling our passionate moods. We had some cold drinks and snacks together and exchanged our addresses and discussed our future plans.

Then we started for the college hostel, and passing over the green lawns and through symmetrical hedges, reached the New Hostel. There I found several of our juniors, third-year students, perhaps waiting for us anxiously. They were clapping and waving a big envelope directed at us. I went close to them, took the envelope, and at once opened it up to find a beautifully written invitation to a variety show in the evening. About half an hour later, I returned home from the hostel after a familiar chat with the junior students and other friends.

In the evening, I returned to college to watch the variety show in the hostel, which was, in fact, a farewell show for the departing fourth-year students. The singers and actors surprisingly included our arts and science teachers and junior and senior students. A few guest singers from other colleges also took part in the variety programme, The Principal and Vice-Principal at the end spoke over the microphone narrating some fine jokes and reproducing some experiences of their stay in the college.

From the noises and laughter of the grand gathering in the spreading lawns of the college, we came out into the stillness of darkness and night. Weighed down with a heavy heart and moving along the lonely road on my bicycle late at night, I was feeling the greatest loss of my life the loss of college life, for my parents were already planning to send me to a university for post-graduate studies.

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